Where am I getting all this from?

If you are interested in seeing the sources that I'm quoting for yourself, here are some of the best. A lot comes through Telegram, a messaging app (it is necessary to create an account to use it) through which you can subscribe to people's feeds and which isn't censored - beware, you may see things you'd rather not, although all of the following are responsible about what they post.

Patrick Lancaster

American Navy veteran who has been reporting from Donbass and other warzones for the last 8 years. Has a page on Myrotvorets.



Eva Karene Bartlett

Canadian journalist who has been reporting on Syria and Ukraine for many years. Has a page on Myrotvorets.




UKR Leaks

Telegram channel of Ukrainian ex-SBU agent Vasily Prozorov, who saw with his own eyes some of what Ukraine was doing in Donbass since 2014. Has a page on Myrotvorets.


Alina Lipp

German journalist who went to Donbass in 2016 to see for herself what was happening there. Faces three years in prison if she returns to Germany, for 'supporting the Russian invasion of Ukraine'. Has a page on Myrotvorets

https://t.me/neuesausrussland (in German and Russian, some videos in English)

Juan Sinmiedo/Fearless John

Provides a lot of subtitled videos from Russia and Ukraine.


Russian Ministry of Defense

Updates on what they say they are doing. You can choose to believe it or not, but western media ends up confirming a lot of it in the end - but not their many allegations of Ukrainian war crimes, obviously.


Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Hear what Sergei Lavrov and Maria Zakarova have to say, rather than the distorted nonsense our media reports them as saying.


The Duran

Podcast discussing geopolitics, focusing mostly on Ukraine at the moment. They do a fantastic job of going through a lot of the sources above, and many more. Both of the contributors also do daily individual vlogs.





The New Atlas

Channel of US Army veteran Brian Berletic, who provides knowledgeable analysis of the military situation in Ukraine.


Andrei Martyanov

Former Russian military officer, provides sometimes humorous and always insightful military analysis of the conflict from a Russian point of view.


Mike Jones

British expat and former member of the British army, now living in St. Petersburg. Posts videos showing Russian news sources blocked in the west (RT, RIA Novosti, Sputnik etc). Recently traveled to Donbass, where he met up with Eva Bartlett and Faina Savenkova, 14 year old blogger/activist who has a page on Myrotvorets.



Gonzalo Lira

Chilean blogger who was in Ukraine in February (his wife is Ukrainian) and who was one of the first people I saw criticising Ukraine. Was arrested by the SBU in April 2022 and for a while rumours swirled that he was dead. Has a page on Myrotvorets.

Full disclosure: he can come across as a bit obnoxious sometimes, and I don't condone the 'manosphere' content he was making pre-SMO! I still think he's a good guy though.



Interesting Blogs

thesaker.is/  - Blog of a Russian emigrĂ© living in the US. The site has experienced DDoS attacks, so he must be doing something right.


Honorable Mention - TrueAnon podcast

Podcast focusing on examining 'conspiracy theories' (i.e. things the news ignores), started in response to the Epstein affair. Their 2-part interview with Mark Ames in January 2022 was what gave me my crash course in the Ukraine conflict.




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