Moved platform

I've transferred this blog to Substack, partly because it looks nicer and has various bells and whistles, but mostly because I'm a bit disturbed by the response I got from the Blogger 'team' (or algorithm) to my post "Nazis in Ukraine? That's ridiculous, they have a Jewish president!".

I published the post on Feb 4, and on Feb 8 I received a (presumably automated) email from 'The Blogger Team' informing me that the post had been unpublished because "Your content has violated our Malware and Viruses policy. Please visit our Community Guidelines page linked in this email to learn more." No further explanation was given, but I was invited to submit it for review once I had fixed the problem.

Needless to say, the post doesn't contain any malware or viruses, or link to any pages that might qualify as such. I didn't change any of the post, apart from adding the note to the content moderation team that is still there, and I submitted it for review. On Feb 9, I got another automated email to inform me that "Upon review, the post has been reinstated". So what about those malware or viruses?

On Feb 16, after getting no views for a week, the post got 55 views, all from India, 49 of which were from I'd really like to know what the actual mechanism was that led to the post being unpublished and then reinstated, but I don't think I'm going to find out.


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